June 5th, 2013
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LEED v4 Workshop and Rural/Ag Energy Audits

Aloha Members, Friends, and Colleagues 

Rural/Ag Audits

Please find below the latest marketing flier for the Ag/Rural Energy Audits attached to this email. This is a great opportunity for Hawaii Rural/Ag property owners, particularly those involved with the production of food locally. The local AEE Chapter will assist with the audits of 20 properties in Hawaii due to funding from DBEDT. Attached is the energy audit application, which the applicant needs to fill out and submit. There is an upfront cost of 25% of the audit fee, but Hawaii Energy will be refunding that to the applicant.
You can mention SAH when you apply. For questions, please contact Dricka Thobois-Brown, former SAH board member.

LEED BD+C v4 Training Workshop

In today’s business, LEED is the language of green. Learn about the overarching changes to the LEED v4 rating system and get a comprehensive overview into the upcoming changes and the role of Environmental Products Declarations. Explore what is happening with the LEED BD+C rating system and how to communicate with team members and clients about what the changes really mean.

Date: Friday, July 19, 2013
Time: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Registration begins at 12:00 pm
Venue: Architects Hawaii Ltd. 733 Bishop Street, Suite 2950
Pacific Guardian Center - Makai Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Register online at: http://fs25.formsite.com/usgbchawaii/form6/index.html

Find the flier attached.


The SAH Board 

     Are you a SAH member? Visit our webpage  to renew your membership or to signup. Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, or email us. We want to hear from you!

[email protected] http://www.SAHawaii.org

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