Update—The Sustainability Association of Hawaii (SAH)

Aloha Members, Friends, and Colleagues,

The Sustainability Association of Hawaii (SAH) is back in business!

Since 2008, our Board of sustainable businesses leaders, organizations, and professionals from across the state has been convening regularly to identify and leverage sustainable business trends and practices in Hawaii. However YOU, our Membership and our constituents, may not have heard much from us-that is about to change!

Through a series of monthly retreats and weekly meetings, the mission and member benefits of SAH have been refined and it is our pleasure to share the exciting results. Members can look forward to sustainable business updates, a host of educational networking events, and new avenues for sustainable business advocacy. If you are an original member, thanks for the support! To become a new member, please visit http://www.sahawaii.org/p/members.html to join!

SAH is the Voice of Green Business in Hawaii-it is a statewide consortium of sustainability leaders and organizations committed to growing sustainable business practices across the islands.

Our 2011-2012 Board is a powerhouse of diverse green professionals from across the islands with a shared passion for the SAH mission: To educate, promote and advocate for businesses, organizations, and green professionals working to grow a thriving local economy for Hawaii. Reflecting this mission, SAH's three-pronged approach to Educate, Promote & Advocate frames all of our activities, events, and programs moving forward.

Upcoming SAH Events

New Sustainable Business Track at the DEBDT'S 2012 Build and Buy Green Conference & Expo
Tuesday, April 3rd, 8 AM-4:30 PM
Honolulu Convention Center
SAH is collaborating with DBEDT to introduce a new sustainable business track titled, "Sustainable Business Strategies for Today's Economy" as part of Hawaii's 12th annual Build & Buy Green event, the state's largest green business conference and expo.
Register by March 16 for nearly 50% off!
Registration & Exhibitor Information: www.green.hawaii-conference.com

Official SAH Launch Party @ Green Drinks Featuring Build & Buy Green Keynote David Levine
Tuesday, April 3rd, 5:30-8:00 PM
Fresh Café, 831 Queen's Street
Immediately following the Build & Buy Green Conference, SAH is co-hosting a celebratory Green Drinks with Build & Buy Green keynote speaker American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) founder and Executive Director, David Levine. Please join us for drinks and pupus as we celebrate joining the ASBC and a job well done at the 2012 Build & Buy Green.

Sustainability Association of Hawaii Business of the Year Award-2012
The call for nominations closes Friday, MARCH 16, 2012
In honor of local Hawai'i businesses leading the way in the areas of sustainability policies and practices, outstanding community involvement, employee relations, and overall environmental stewardship, the SAH is proud to announce the first annual Sustainability Association of Hawaii Business of the Year Award.
The winner will be announced at the SAH Green Drinks Pau Hana following the 2012 Hawaii Build and Buy Green Conference & Expo on April.
Nominate your favorite local business!

SAH Workshop: Understanding Procurement
Tues, April 26th, 5:30-7:30 PM,
The KYA Studio, 934 Pumehana Street
Featuring experts from the Hawaii Procurement Institute, SAH presents an evening workshop pau hana for members and other businesses to network while learning the basics of procurement law in Hawaii. This workshop includes a legislative update with a discussion to follow about sustainability and procurement considerations such as lifecycle costs and green purchasing.
Visit SAH Procurement Workshop Flyer

2011 Milestones

Hawaii Sustainable Business Corporation Legislation
SAH worked with the State of Hawaii to establish the Sustainable Business Corporation, a new type of business structure signed into law in 2011 as Act 209. Hawaii is one of 7 states with legislation modeled after the nationally recognized B Corporation.

American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
SAH became the official Hawaii partner of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), the nation's primary green business advocacy organization. In becoming an official partner of the ASBC, SAH offers our members the opportunity to weigh in on policy issues pertaining to financial reform, health care, chemical safety policy, climate change, broad-based economic development, business taxes, and the initiative to create a Constitutional amendment denying corporate personhood.
Visit http://www.asbcouncil.org/ to learn more.

A Statewide Network Representing 1,000's of Affiliated People & Organizations
SAH developed a robust Board of Directors representing leading sustainability organizations, local green businesses, and programs such as Malama Kauai's Green Business Program, the Sustainable Living Institute of Maui, Sustainable UH, the Hawaii Food Policy Council, and the Hawaii Alliance for a Local Economy (HALE). Additionally, our Board has representation from all islands but Lanai-please let us know if you have any good candidates in mind!
Visit http://www.sahawaii.org/p/board.html for detailed information about the SAH Board.

In the coming quarters, SAH plans to have a full schedule of networking and educational events; create greater awareness of the locally available green business resources, organizations, and professionals in Hawaii; and become even more involved in state and national sustainable business policy education and advocacy. Please visit our website at http://www.sahawaii.org/ to join, donate $ to our 501-C3, help grow our impact, and stay informed. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with questions, comments, resources, and ideas for collaboration.

Mahalo nui from your SAH Board of Directors

Shanah Trevenna, Oahu
Tamara Armstrong, Oahu
Jenna Long, Big Isle
Cherub Silverstein, Oahu
Dricka Brown Thobois, Oahu
Keely Bruns, Oahu
Jennifer Chirico, Maui
Carol Feinga, Oahu
Keone Kealoha, Kauai
Lauren Carter-Roth Venu, Oahu
Michael Kramer, Big Isle
Sybil Lopez, Molokai
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